RecordAGrave                                                    141,839 recorded and counting!
Boca Raton Municipal Cemetery and Mausoleum - Section H
Full name Birth date Death date Section Inscription
Section H
Section HR.N.
Section H
Section HPresident of Temple Bethel / 1973 - 1976
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HSgt US Army / World War I
Section H
Section H
Section HIn Loving Memory
Section H
Section H
Section HTEC 5 US Army World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HSp 1 US Navy, World War II
Section H
Section H
Section HCPL US Army World War I
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Mother and Nanna
Section H
Section HLive Love Laugh
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HIn Loving Memory
Section HJohn 14:1-3
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HLT COL US Army World War II
Section H
Section HPFC US Army World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother Sweet Betty
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Wife and Mother
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section HIn Loving Remembrance
Section H
Section HTEC 5 US Army World War II
Section HMarried Jan. 21, 1969
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section HCPL US Army
UnknownSection H
Section HThe Old Doll
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section HS SGT US Army World War II
Section HOur Loving Son
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HForty seven wonderful years of love
Section HIn Loving Memory
Section H
Section HSgt US Army World War II
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection HBeloved Wife
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section HCpl US Army / World War II
Section HBeloved Wife
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HLCdr US Navy World War II
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section HIn Loving Memory
Section HBeloved Wife, Mother and Grandma
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HS2 US Navy World War II
Section H
Section HOur Loving Grandmother
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section HBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother
UnknownUnknownSection HAge 81
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Mother of 14 Children
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HWorld War II / US Navy
Section HS1 US Navy World War II
Section H
Section HSGT US Marine Corps World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HFather
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HIn Loving Memory
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownUnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HTEC5 US Army / World War II
Section H
Section HIn Loving Memory
Section HLT Col US Air Force / World War II
UnknownUnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section HM.D.
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section HU.S. Army W.W. II
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section HPvt US Army World War II
Section HUS Army / World War II
Section HPFC US Marine Corps World War I
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section HSGT US Army World War II
Section HUS Marine Corps World War II Korea US Army
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section HBM 1 US Coast Guard World War II
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section HPFC US Army World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section HForty seven wonderful years of love
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HOur Beloved Father
Section H
Section HUS Army World War II
Section HSGT US Army World War II
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section HMaj US Army / World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H1st Lt US Army / World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HMother
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HCSP US Navy / World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Husband
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Wife and Mother
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HTo Everything There Is A Season Ecclesiastes 3:1
Section HPFC US Army / World War II
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HCOL US Army WWII Korea Vietnam
Section HSGT US Marine Corps World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather
Section H
Section H
Section HDaughter
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HPvt US Army World War I
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HTEC 4 US Army / World War II
UnknownSection HTogether Forever
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section HMarried Jan. 21, 1969
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HCAPT US Army World War II
Section H
Section H
Section HSgt US Marine Corps / Vietnam
Section HBeloved Son and Father
Section HTEC 5 US Army
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section HAnd we know that all things work together for the good to them that love...
Section HRDM1 US Navy / World War II
Section H
Section HPFC US Army World War II
Section H
Section HPFC US Army
Section H
Section H
Section HPFC US Army / World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownUnknownSection HAge 79
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section HMaj US Army World War II
Section HM.D.
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section HBeloved Husband and Father
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HMaj US Army / World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HAZ2 US Navy
Section HPVT US Army World War II
Section H
Section H
UnknownSection H
Section H
Section H
Section HUS Navy / Loving father of Tamsyn, Sean, Sarah
Section HBeloved Husband and Father, Forever in our Hearts
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HS1 US Navy World War II
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section H
Section HW. W. II / US Army
Section HCPL US Army World War II
Section HUS Navy
Section H
Section HCPL US Marine Corps World War II
Section HUTACN US Navy Vietnam
Section H
Section HA2C US Air Force / Korea
Section H1st Lt US Army / World War II / Pilot / Army Air Corps
Section H
Section H
Section HBeloved
Section H
Section H
Section H

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