RecordAGrave                                                    141,839 recorded and counting!
star of david memorial gardens - Garden of Haifa
Full name Birth date Death date Section Inscription
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifahusband, father / grandfather / loved by all
Garden of Haifawe will love you always
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / & great grandfather
Garden of Haifabig daddy we love you
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father / & grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / together forever
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaadored husband, / father, grandfather / 66 years of marriage... a love t...
Garden of Haifabeloved / husband, father, / grandfather / always with us
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather / great grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / and brother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband
Garden of Haifadearest daughter, sister and friend
Garden of Haifabeloved parents / beloved grandparents / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifaas ever
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaUS Army / Korea
Garden of Haifagave lots of love / got lots of love
Garden of Haifabeloved father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband and father / respected by all
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / dear mother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother & grandmother / eternally loved
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving wife, / mother, grandmother, / great grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved / wife, daughter
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaUS Army Air Corps / World War II
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved brother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving wife, mother, / daughter, sister, grandmother / forever in our he...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifain loving memory
Garden of HaifaIn Loving Memory
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / greatgrandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / brother, uncle
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, nana / sister
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred October 12, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 20, Space 572 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / greatgrandmother
Garden of Haifaour beloved sister
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Mother & Grandmother
Garden of HaifaDearest one you are forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother / together forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaWith Love and Respect
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaCPL US Air Force / World War II / beloved husband / father grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved brother / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred January 12, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 27, Space 804 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / sister
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of HaifaDear Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother, great-grandmother
Garden of Haifaa woman of dignity / style & grace
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / together forever
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred November 9, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 23, Space 664 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaUS Coast Guard / World War II / Beloved Husband
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandpa / great-grandpa
Garden of HaifaUS Army / World War II / dear husband and father
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, daughter / and sister
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, / nana & great grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved mother grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, papa / and friend
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband Father, Grandfather Brother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / sister bubbe aunt
Garden of Haifaas ever
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother / grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Mother, Grandmother & Great-Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / and father / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifa12 Sivan 5751 Beloved Father, Brother, Grandfather, Great Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / dad, grandpa, / great grandpa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / devoted father and / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / and great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather, / great-grandfather / forever in...
Garden of Haifahusband, father & grandfather / I got time
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother Family First
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred November 02, 2009 / Garden of Haifa, Row 6, Space 180 / Interme...
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother grandmother / and great grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifaalways in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaalways in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother, / grandmother, aunt
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother and nanny
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife & mother
UnknownGarden of Haifa
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred June 7, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 19, Space 550 / Interment: ...
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother You Are Sadly Missed
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred August 1, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 26, Space 780 / Interment...
Garden of Haifaour dear friend
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother and great grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather, / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather and papa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife & aunt / always in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved aunt
Garden of Haifaloving husband, brother / uncle Eli
Garden of Haifaloving mama, wife, / grandma, little grandma
Garden of Haifaa special lady / beloved wife / mother - sister
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of Haifain loving memory
Garden of Haifabeloved son / and brother
Garden of Haifadevoted husband / father and grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father Grandfather, Brother
Garden of Haifadevoted husband, / father, grandfather
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred October 16, 2009 / Garden of Haifa, Row 27, Space 810 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, sister / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaTogether Forever
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved parents / beloved grandparents / forever in our hearts
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred June 3, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 27, Space 796 / Interment: ...
Garden of HaifaBeloved Aunt
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mami abuela / your love - strength / lives in our hearts
Garden of Haifain loving rememberance
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred December 22, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 24, Space 714 / Interm...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifadevoted wife, mother / she was loving / and caring
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Mother, Grandmother Great-Grandmother
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred October 05, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 19, Space 570 / Interme...
Garden of HaifaBeloved Mother and Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather, a proud and / loving man
Garden of Haifa
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred January 28, 2011 / Garden of Haifa, Row 25, Space 727 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved sister & aunt
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother / together forever
Garden of Haifahere lies a beautiful lady / let love keep her radiant gloss
Garden of HaifaLoving Wife of Sidney Wonderful Mother of Joel Robert & Donald
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifadear mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved mother grandmother, / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifaadored wife, / beloved / mother & meema / you'll live forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother
Garden of Haifagrandma honey
Garden of HaifaBeloved wife, Mother & Grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife
Garden of Haifabeloved mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifaour hearts carry your memory / our lives carry your spirit
Garden of Haifabeloved father, grandfather / son and brother / eternal peace
Garden of Haifadearly beloved wife / mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandma
Garden of Haifain loving memory / beloved husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of Haifaloving husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandpa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifaa life well lived / a man well loved
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandma & great-grandma / forever in our hearts a...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandma / and great-grandma / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifabeloved wife and sister / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother and / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Sister and Aunt
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / and father
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, / grandmother
Garden of Haifaour hearts carry your memory / our lives carry your spirit
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / and mother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of HaifaAdored Husband Father, Grandfather Great-Grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather You Are Sadly Missed
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father and grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father, / grandfather & great grandfather
Garden of Haifaa special man / beloved husband / father - poppy / Interred October 27, ...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / brother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / brother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband Father, Grandfather Great-Grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, zaida / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father / uncle
Garden of HaifaUS Army / loving son brother / and uncle
Garden of Haifabeloved / wife and mother
Garden of Haifaalways loved / forever remembered
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifa
UnknownGarden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother / & great-grandmother / a yiddisheh mama
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifato our beloved brother / who was the kindest / & most caring person
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather / great-grandfather / brother, friend
Garden of Haifadevoted husband, / father, grandfather / and brother / forever in our he...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved brother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / devoted father / loving grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father and grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / and papa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother grandmother / they were both great friends
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving husband, / devoted father & grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband and father
UnknownGarden of HaifaGarden of Haifa, Row 23, Space 687 / Interment: 37798
Garden of HaifaCherished Husband Father Grandpa & Great Grandpa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / & great-grandfather / forever in...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father a / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of HaifaLoving Wife, Mom & Grandma
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father, grandfather / live and let live
Garden of Haifadevoted wife / mother and grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother Grandmother and Great-Grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving wife, / mother, grandmother
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred October 01, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 5, Space 144 / Intermen...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother grandmother
Garden of Haifawife mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father / grandfather
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred December 27, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 31, Space 909 / Interm...
Garden of HaifaLoving Husband, Father, Grandfather
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred September 14, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 2, Space 42 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Son of Benjamin and Sarah
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / dad, grandpa / and great-grandpa / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifadevoted husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifain loving memory
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / he was loved by / all who knew him
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved father and brother / and grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / and grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifaloving husband & wife / devoted parents & grandparents
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / loved and deeply missed
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Sister and Aunt
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, loving aunt / always in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife - mother - grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Aunt
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, sister, / aunt & great aunt
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather / WWII
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather / & great grandfather / always in...
Garden of HaifaUS Army Air Corps / World War II / Dear Husband Father Grandpa / Rest in...
Garden of Haifaloving husband, / father, grandfather / great grandfather / J.W.V. / we ...
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father / grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved brother and uncle
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather and friend / a very special man
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband Father and Grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifain loving memory
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father / poppy / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather / in our hearts forever
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother and grandma
Garden of Haifaloving wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifaour beloved
Garden of HaifaLoving Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / and / beloved brother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father & Grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father & grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Daughter & Sister
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / together forever
Garden of Haifawife, mother & grandmother / happy landings
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Sister and Aunt Pet Lover
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother / sister, friend
Garden of HaifaLoving Wife, Mother, Daughter She Lived She Love She Laughed
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather and / great-grandfather
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred April 21, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 5, Space 122 / Interment:...
Garden of Haifaloving wife, / mother & grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother, great-grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother, / loving grandmother / devoted partner
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband & father / together forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather, / great grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father / grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifalenny / loving husband / supper dad / adoring grandpa
Garden of Haifaa very special / human being
Garden of Haifagrandma honey
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / devoted mother and / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother, sister
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Mother & Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother and / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, daughter, sister / forever in our hearts
Garden of HaifaLoving Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother / grandmother
Jun 13Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father & grandfather
Garden of Haifadevoted husband, / loving father, / grandfather / always in our hearts
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband Father & Grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifaloving husband, / father, grandfather / great grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother In our Hearts Forever
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father and poppy
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father and grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving and beloved
Garden of Haifain our hearts forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father & grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother / to live in hearts we leave behind ...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother / grandmother / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved
Garden of Haifahusband - lover - friend / father - grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / mother & / great-grandmother / forever in our hearts
Garden of HaifaLoving Husband Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife
Garden of Haifabeloved wife - mother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife of gerald, / mother, grandmother, / sister, friend
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother and sister
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving wife / mother, grandmother / rest in peace
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, son, brother
Garden of Haifabeloved mother / and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / great grandmother / in our hearts f...
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father / grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifadeeply loved, / deeply missed
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, bubby / forever in our hearts
Garden of HaifaBeloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving husband, / father, grandfather, / great grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifadevoted husband / papi abuelo / your love - wisdom / always with us
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father and grandpa
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband Father & Grandfather
Garden of Haifaloving brother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifadevoted husband / a good man / always in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father and grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaalways
Garden of HaifaLoving Husband Father & Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather / great grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred January 19, 2011 / Garden of Haifa, Row 18, Space 512 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother
Garden of Haifaloving wife / mom & bubbe / extraordinary
Garden of Haifaloving wife, mother / aunt, great-aunt
Garden of HaifaBeloved Son of Irving & Fae Neistat
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / and uncle
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / and beloved sister
Garden of Haifabeloved husband - father
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / dear father
Garden of Haifaloving husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / and great-grandfather / a gentle...
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Sister
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandma / great-grandma
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / & great-gramma
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather, great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved sister
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother / our eternal love
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother and nanny
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband
Garden of Haifaforever loved / and / always remembered
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifain loving memory
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father and grandfather
Garden of Haifamissed & loved / forever
Garden of Haifadevoted husband, / cherished / father & grandpa / you'll live forever in...
Garden of HaifaI wish you love
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of HaifaI wish you love
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather / together forever
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of HaifaRDMI US Navy World War II Beloved Husband, Dad, Papa Mike
Garden of Haifabeloved father - brother / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifahusband, father / grandfather / in loving memory
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather / and great-grandfather
UnknownGarden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father grandfather / and great grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / zeide / a true mench / loved family, life, and...
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifathe wind beneath my wings
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaAlways In Our Hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / and father
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / sister and friend
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / a mother
Garden of Haifain loving memory
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving husband, father, / son, brother / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved husband & father
Garden of Haifaloving husband / father & grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved / husband & father
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father, father-in-law / grandfather / in our hearts for...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / my everlasting love
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband and father
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifathe best wife, / mom and bubby
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved sister
Garden of HaifaBeloved Brother, Uncle
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife of phillip / mother, grandmother / great grandmother, aunt ...
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother / & great grandmother / always in ou...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father / they found shared taught true love
Garden of Haifaremarkable courage / loving husband, father, / brother, grandfather / al...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifaloving son, brother, friend
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, son, brother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / always in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved brother / loving cousin
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, friend / and teacher / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / and mother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife - mother - grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother and grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving wife, mother, grandmother / bill bailey you finally came home
Garden of Haifaforever loved / always missed / and never forgotten
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred January 29, 2010 / Garden of Haifa, Row 7, Space 202 / Intermen...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife & mother / together forever
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / and great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of Haifaloving husband & wife / devoted parents & grandparents
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / sister, aunt
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father and Grandfather WWII Liberator
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother and / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / they found shared taught true love
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother / together for eternity
Garden of Haifabeloved wife
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaa loving wife / mother & friend
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother, / great grandmother / always with us
Garden of Haifaloving wife / mother and grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Parents, Grandparents
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved sister, / loving cousin
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother / sister
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / devoted father / & grandfather / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifacherished husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / gg
Garden of Haifatogether forever / beloved, father / grandfather / great-grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father / grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaOur Beloved Poppa
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifaloving husband / father and grandfather
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred January 28, 2011 / Garden of Haifa, Row 27, Space 803 / Interme...
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving husband / father, grandfather / great-grandfather / always in our...
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Mother Daughter Grandmother Sister
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband & Father
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifatogether forever / beloved wife, mother / grandmother / great-grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved mother & grandmother / Sgt WW II WAC / you are the wind beneath ...
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother, great grandmother
UnknownGarden of HaifaInterred October 13, 2010 Garden of Haifa, Row 30, Space 898 Interment: ...
Garden of Haifadevoted wife, / mother, bubbe / loved and deeply missed
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Mother Grandmother Great Grandmother Rest in Peace
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather & great grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father & grandpa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaGreat Husband, Father, Grandfather An Ace Guy
Garden of HaifaS Sgt US Army Air Corps / World War II / Beloved Husband / Father Grandf...
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved / husband son daddy
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother & grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother / great grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaalways in our hearts
Garden of Haifathe wind beneath my wings
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, father / grandfather / together for eternity
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father & grandfather
Garden of HaifaLoving Husband of Evelyn Wonderful Father of Joel Robert & Donald
Garden of HaifaBeloved Parents, Grandparents
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband, / father, grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved brother and uncle
Garden of Haifacherished husband / father and grandfather
Garden of Haifaforever in our hearts
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother / together forever
Garden of Haifa
Garden of HaifaTEC 4 US Army / World War II
Garden of Haifadearly beloved husband / father and grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father, grandfather / and great-grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother, / great-grandmother / cherished forever in ...
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother & grandmother
UnknownUnknownGarden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Mother, Grandmother Wife Great Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother, / great-grandmother / forever in ou...
Garden of Haifaus army / beloved husband father / and grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved father, brother, / brother-in-law, uncle & soul mate / forever i...
Garden of Haifabeloved son and brother / rest in peace
Garden of HaifaUS ARMY
Garden of HaifaLoving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother
Garden of Haifain loving memory / beloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, mother / and grandmother
Garden of HaifaMy Sweet and Loving Wife
Garden of HaifaLoving Wife, Mother, Grandma, Great-Grandma
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / devoted mother / & grandmother / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifaalways
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother / grandmother, sister / forever in our hearts
Garden of HaifaCherished Wife Mother & Nana
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife, / mother, grandmother
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of Haifaspecial aunt / like a mother and grandmother / to know her, was to love her
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother & grandmother
Garden of Haifaplay no sad songs
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / mother, grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifabeloved mother, grandmother / and sister
Garden of Haifawife, mother / grandmother / in loving memory
Garden of HaifaLoving Husband, Father, Grandfather
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifaloving wife / beloved aunt / always in our hearts
Garden of Haifaloving wife, mother / grandma, bubbe / forever in our hearts
Garden of Haifain our hearts forever
Garden of Haifadevoted wife / beloved, mother, grandmother / and sister
Garden of Haifabeloved wife / Interred September 15, 2008 / Garden of Haifa, Row 4, Spa...
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Garden of Haifabeloved husband
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father & grandfather / loved by all who knew him
Garden of HaifaBeloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather
Garden of Haifabeloved husband / father grandfather / they were both great friends
Garden of Haifaour beloved
Garden of HaifaBeloved Wife Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother
Garden of Haifa
Garden of Haifa

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