A F Dold 1871 1934 Section 12
Abbie Carnine Graver 1880 1953 Section 12
Achron M Wood 1867 1936 Section 12
Adolph F Major 1887 1947 Section 12
Agnes Dickinson 1896 1933 Section 12 Wife
Albert M Baker 1857 1939 Section 12 FATHER
Albert H Carnine 1901 1965 Section 12
Albert Otto Denny Feb 2, 1891 Aug 30, 1972 Section 12 Washington-F1 US NAVY-World War I
Albert L Ferguson 1898 1955 Section 12
Alberta Barnes 1911 1936 Section 12
Alfred F Smith 1884 1953 Section 12
Alice M Carrigan 1880 1953 Section 12
Alice S Decker 1890 1972 Section 12
Alice Dold 1880 1964 Section 12 Mother
Alice May Holliday 1883 1929 Section 12 Daughter of Frank M and Mary C Holliday
Alice Malone 1869 1942 Section 12 Mother
Alice E Wrentmore 1872 1934 Section 12
Alida Hunt Lees 1874 1952 Section 12
Allen P Howard 1890 1958 Section 12
Allen R Lees 1861 1932 Section 12
Allen Meyer 1923 1925 Section 12
Allen E Vandercook 1861 Unknown Section 12 Father
Alma N Whiteman 1872 1941 Section 12
Alson E Wrentmore 1872 Unknown Section 12
Alta Petticord Hahn 1888 1936 Section 12
Alta F Hennessee 1883 1963 Section 12
Altha M Godwin 1887 1934 Section 12
Alvin C Bridges 1856 1943 Section 12 Father
Amanda A Fondren 1880 1966 Section 12 Mother
Amanda L Perkins 1880 1968 Section 12
Amy C Fobes 1894 1973 Section 12 Mother
Anna B Chatfield 1875 1943 Section 12
Anna L Greenway 1886 1963 Section 12
Anna L Koehler 1871 1932 Section 12 Mother
Anna F Mason 1872 1958 Section 12 MOTHER
Anna Laura Miles Dec 4, 1887 Feb 11, 1941 Section 12
Anna M Murray 1877 1934 Section 12
Annie C McPherson 1851 1935 Section 12
Annie A Short 1903 1964 Section 12
Annie Shirk Wren 1872 Unknown Section 12 Wife
Anton P Sohn 1887 1961 Section 12 The Steps of a Good Man are Ordered by the Lord. The End of that Man is ...
Arley E McNeely 1902 1941 Section 12
Arthur Hughes 1881 1940 Section 12
Arthur G Young 1883 1976 Section 12
Artie Uhl 1899 1976 Section 12 wife
B Scott McNeely 1883 1945 Section 12
Baby Engels Unknown Unknown Section 12
Baby McCrory 1933 1933 Section 12
Barbara L Hallam 1935 1999 Section 12
Barnett R Miles Mar 1, 1885 Jun 12, 1967 Section 12
Belle S Calderhead 1889 1959 Section 12
Ben R Sprong 1892 1934 Section 12 Husband
Benjamin F Bowman 1869 1945 Section 12 Father
Berneice Whitacre 1910 1928 Section 12 Daughter
Bernice B Dietz 1898 1983 Section 12
Bernice L Resener 1899 1930 Section 12 Mother
Bertha Rassmssen Forbes 1912 1973 Section 12
Bertha C Murr 1897 1968 Section 12
Bertha Patrick 1874 1960 Section 12
Bertha Mae Pollard 1906 1939 Section 12
Bertha E Schaefer 1901 1950 Section 12 Mother
Bertha M Thompson 1885 1947 Section 12
Bertha Zill 1848 1928 Section 12
Bessie D Edmonds Jul 26, 1886 Apr 10, 1966 Section 12 Wife of Charles G Edmonds
Bessie V Graves 1924 1933 Section 12 DAUGHTER
Bessie M Johnson 1884 1975 Section 12
Bessie M Kirsch 1899 1934 Section 12
Bessie McCoy 1879 1967 Section 12
Betty H Cole 1910 1994 Section 12 Mother
Betty T Mills 1912 1996 Section 12
Betty J Vaught Feb 21, 1937 Nov 24, 2010 Section 12
Bobby Thompson 1967 1968 Section 12 Our Darling Son
Bonna B Lees 1909 1988 Section 12
Bonnie R Scott 1941 1941 Section 12
Brunhilde L Pedigo 1924 Unknown Section 12 Married Oct 4, 1947
C Myrtle Clary 1884 1946 Section 12 Wife
C Dan Giddens 1895 1964 Section 12
C Daryl Lepper 1945 1948 Section 12 Son
C Lawrence Reno 1898 1948 Section 12
Calestia S Smith 1879 1932 Section 12
Calvin M Jett 1895 1941 Section 12
Carl C Dietz 1890 1930 Section 12
Carl Hellman 1880 1936 Section 12
Carl L Mueller 1897 1975 Section 12
Carl L Wright Unknown Sep 14, 1940 Section 12 Indiana-SGT 351 AERO SERV SQ
Caroline Sturm 1851 1924 Section 12 Mother
Caroline S Watson 1864 1929 Section 12
Carrie Washmuth 1869 1959 Section 12
Charles Alberts 1875 1958 Section 12
Charles B Benjamin Mar 21, 1903 Jan 28, 1955 Section 12
Charles C Benjamin 1863 1929 Section 12
Charles H Benton 1870 1923 Section 12
Charles F Bokerman 1868 1928 Section 12
Charles E Bokerman 1903 1988 Section 12
Charles F Brinkman 1879 1958 Section 12 Dad
Charles D Bunce 1859 1923 Section 12
Charles P Calkins 1904 1947 Section 12 Father
Charles E Davis 1902 1978 Section 12
Charles E Day 1873 1953 Section 12
Charles F Decker 1884 1951 Section 12
Charles C Edmonds 1881 1937 Section 12 Father
Charles T Faulkner 1894 1945 Section 12
Charles A Gardner 1866 1941 Section 12
Charles A Guyette 1872 1940 Section 12
Charles Haley 1885 1966 Section 12 Father
Charles Huggins 1894 1935 Section 12
Charles W Hunt 1882 1932 Section 12
Charles R Hutchings 1857 1945 Section 12 Father
Charles O Lawler 1880 1953 Section 12
Charles E McCarrel 1879 1923 Section 12
Charles M McClelland 1879 1950 Section 12
Charles R McDaniel 1890 1973 Section 12
Charles E McPherson 1886 1972 Section 12
Charles E Miller 1869 1936 Section 12
Charles V Pedigo 1885 1934 Section 12
Charles E Ritter 1884 1943 Section 12
Charles J Ryan 1860 1929 Section 12
Charles C Speer 1865 1950 Section 12 Father
Charles R Stewart 1870 1958 Section 12
Charles C Sweetland 1872 1943 Section 12
Charlie Allison 1888 1931 Section 12 Mech. 84 Div V. F. W.
Charlie E Bruner 1870 1951 Section 12
Chauncey R Hitch 1877 1951 Section 12 Father
Chester G Broyles 1882 1923 Section 12
Christine Fondren 1912 Unknown Section 12
Christine Lee 1894 1971 Section 12
Clara B Everett 1873 1927 Section 12 Mother
Clara A Gardner 1872 1965 Section 12
Clara E Major 1887 1952 Section 12
Clara Robinson 1874 1960 Section 12 Mother
Clara Seal 1882 1977 Section 12
Clarence Perry Caylor Unknown Oct 21, 1941 Section 12 Indiana-CORP 80 Co. TRANS. CORPS
Claude W Hendricks 1883 1962 Section 12
Claude McCurdy 1898 1977 Section 12
Claude H Robinson 1870 1930 Section 12 Father
Cleo Marie Morgan 1912 1931 Section 12 Mother
Clifford L Calkins 1925 1986 Section 12 Our Beloved
Clifford F Stevenson 1889 1943 Section 12
Cloyd A McCoy 1905 1978 Section 12
Clyde Bolton 1881 1947 Section 12 FATHER
Cora C Carnine 1871 1934 Section 12
Cora May Polley 1877 1955 Section 12
Cora Bird Roller 1881 1965 Section 12
Cora B Turner 1870 1955 Section 12
Cora Drischel Whitacre 1886 1963 Section 12
Cordelia H Bell 1871 1955 Section 12 Mother
Pvt Curtis G Elrod Jun 28, 1897 Oct 22, 1951 Section 12 Kentucky / Pvt 28 Infantry 1 Div / World War I
Daisy Mickley Hall 1879 1941 Section 12 Mother
Daisy C Lahr 1870 1948 Section 12
David D Augustus 1874 1929 Section 12
David N Calderhead 1888 1938 Section 12
David Earl Fischer Feb 22, 1942 Mar 13, 1943 Section 12
David H Porter 1909 1930 Section 12
Deana Hellman 1854 1936 Section 12
Delle VanLengen 1865 1937 Section 12
Delphia McDaniel 1884 1953 Section 12
Dessie K O'Brien 1897 1987 Section 12
Docia Baldwin 1885 1943 Section 12
Dollie M Henderson 1890 1979 Section 12 Wife
Donald J Dean 1914 1969 Section 12
Donald J Moore 1934 1934 Section 12
Donald G Wilson , Sr Aug 30, 1930 Aug 20, 2002 Section 12 Dad-Papaw of Joshua & Morgan
Doris H Gahan 1909 1933 Section 12 Mother
Doris Hitch Gipson 1904 1949 Section 12 Sister
Doris N Paul 1911 1929 Section 12 Daughter
Dorothy Henthorn Merritt 1915 1994 Section 12
Dovie Allison 1884 Unknown Section 12
Dulcie I Dawson 1902 1995 Section 12
Dumont K Benjamin 1891 1953 Section 12
E Ethel Lawler 1888 1975 Section 12
Lieut E Edward Plummer 1919 1944 Section 12
Earl C Johnson 1886 1931 Section 12
Earl A Jordan 1894 Unknown Section 12
Earnest Barnes 1889 1964 Section 12
Edith Albright 1889 1948 Section 12
Edith G Dady 1907 1934 Section 12
Edith P Martin 1887 1947 Section 12
Edith E Wratten 1896 1934 Section 12
Edith V Wright 1897 Unknown Section 12 Mom
Edna Huggins 1902 1932 Section 12
Edna A Jonas 1875 1928 Section 12
Edna A McCrory 1873 1962 Section 12 Mom
Edna Pugh 1886 Unknown Section 12
Edward F Burhenn 1902 1975 Section 12
Edward F Eytchison 1873 1970 Section 12
Edward W Goddard 1873 1932 Section 12 Father
Edward F Krause 1863 1931 Section 12 Husband
Edward C Mills 1920 1987 Section 12
Edward V Perkins 1876 1927 Section 12
Edward L Resener , Jr Apr 27, 1921 Jul 2, 2000 Section 12 Son
Edward F Strathmann 1891 1950 Section 12
Edward Maywood Whitacre 1874 1952 Section 12
Edward L Wood 1887 1938 Section 12 Father
Sgt Edwin S Anderson 1920 1943 Section 12
Edwin J Britz 1897 1957 Section 12 Father
Edwin T Carpenter 1872 1940 Section 12
Effie L Dodd 1875 1958 Section 12
Eileen S Clapp 1899 1944 Section 12
Eileen E Howard 1900 1940 Section 12
Eital P Brittenbach 1895 1965 Section 12
Elbert Hensley Feb 4, 1851 Jul 26, 1938 Section 12
Eli Bird 1848 1932 Section 12
Elijah Whiteman 1875 1948 Section 12
Elis Murray 1866 Unknown Section 12
Eliza Langford 1877 1942 Section 12
Eliza J Swickheimer 1865 1952 Section 12
Elizabeth M Allison 1890 1930 Section 12
Elizabeth M Giddens 1890 1970 Section 12
Elizabeth H Irrgang 1885 1939 Section 12
Elizabeth D May 1881 1958 Section 12 Thy Will Be Done
Elizabeth Schwabe 1861 1942 Section 12
Elizabeth V Stinson 1863 1934 Section 12
Elizabeth Carnine Wilson 1859 1939 Section 12
Ella May Bolton 1881 1959 Section 12 MOTHER
Ella C Day 1887 1976 Section 12
Ella Marillyn Dieber 1909 1975 Section 12
Ella Miller 1872 1947 Section 12
Elliot Gill 1866 1932 Section 12
Elmer L Stevick 1877 1951 Section 12
Eloise T Mueller 1895 1950 Section 12
Elsie V Brouwer 1877 1954 Section 12
Elsie C Knuth 1898 1942 Section 12 Wife
Elvus Mitchell 1881 1956 Section 12 Dad
Elzie Hammans 1892 May 17, 1935 Section 12 Indiana-PVT US ARMY
Emery Deputy 1883 1958 Section 12 Husband
Emma Bicker 1871 1950 Section 12 Mother
Emma Bright 1870 1958 Section 12
Emma M Callwell 1876 1933 Section 12 Mother
Emma E Cox Sep 6, 1890 Feb 11, 1981 Section 12
Emma Dudley 1889 1930 Section 12
Emma May Guyette 1880 1946 Section 12
Emma B Hockett 1867 1964 Section 12
Emma Mitchell 1885 1979 Section 12 Mom
Emma C Shimp 1847 1933 Section 12 Mother
Emma M Smith 1885 1980 Section 12
Enoch Smith Ricketts 1859 1929 Section 12 Father
Ephraim Roller 1885 1925 Section 12
Ernest E Gabbert Apr 22, 1921 Mar 10, 2010 Section 12 1ST LT US ARMY AIR FORCES WORLD WAR II
Ernest C McCoy 1878 1953 Section 12
Esta M Bolen 1890 1986 Section 12
Estella Ballou 1874 1967 Section 12
Estella Mae Graver 1903 1979 Section 12
Estella C Stevick 1876 1937 Section 12
Estella M Taylor 1874 1964 Section 12
Ethel S Carver 1876 1931 Section 12
Ethel I Crabtree 1891 1984 Section 12
Evelyn Henthorn 1916 1918 Section 12 Daughter
Everett H Cook 1875 1938 Section 12 Father
Everett O Graves 1901 1973 Section 12 FATHER
Fannie Deputy 1885 1961 Section 12 Wife
Fannie M Wood 1890 1987 Section 12 Mother
Ferdinand L Murr 1887 1947 Section 12
Fletcher W Fredenburg 1890 1973 Section 12
Fletcher A McDaniel 1858 1925 Section 12
Flora Lees Garrison Dec 2, 1901 Mar 8, 1975 Section 12 Wife of Waldo
Flora Mae Gill 1879 1954 Section 12 Mother
Florence Augustus 1873 1964 Section 12
Florence Lambert 1870 1944 Section 12
Florence M Scheid 1896 1928 Section 12 DAUGHTER
Florence Stitt 1889 1971 Section 12
Florida May Shimp 1880 1968 Section 12
Floyd E Hammans 1924 2011 Section 12
Floyd B Smith 1907 1941 Section 12 Husband
Forrest O Brown Feb 26, 1896 Feb 12, 1971 Section 12 Beloved Mother
Frances R Dake Aug 7, 1930 Nov 28, 1930 Section 12
Frances M Thompson 1903 1930 Section 12
Francis V "Buddy" Jeffries 1926 1930 Section 12
Frank Hahn 1874 1942 Section 12
Frank M Holliday 1857 1945 Section 12
Frank Jones 1873 1950 Section 12
Frank P Kirsch 1922 1923 Section 12 Son
Frank L Martin 1881 1944 Section 12
Frank P McLellen 1880 1940 Section 12
Frank A Ryker 1853 1924 Section 12
Frank Wagner 1861 1932 Section 12
Frank X Willert 1859 1930 Section 12
Fred L Fobes , Sr 15, 1919 Apr 30, 1970 Section 12 Indiana-PVT US MARINE CORPS-World War II
Fred S Hockett 1891 1936 Section 12
Fred W Koehler 1875 1961 Section 12
Fred L Lees 1899 1983 Section 12
Fred H Meyer 1881 1964 Section 12
Fred Meyer 1889 1950 Section 12 Father
Fred E Rauh 1920 1986 Section 12
Freda M Dungan 1898 1981 Section 12 Mother
Freda K Faulkner 1896 1983 Section 12
Frederick Polley 1875 1957 Section 12
G Neva Reno 1898 1926 Section 12
Garnie B Caldwell 1907 1989 Section 12
Garrie A Hook 1897 1930 Section 12
Geneva McGail 1871 1934 Section 12 Mother
George Bussard 1884 1928 Section 12
George L Chatfield 1868 1938 Section 12
George Dickinson 1889 1957 Section 12 Husband
George W Fewell 1849 1934 Section 12
George W Fobes 1887 1947 Section 12 Father
George Fuller 1876 1932 Section 12
George W Graham 1895 1976 Section 12
George W Lahr 1864 1929 Section 12
George W Lambert 1862 1931 Section 12
George W Russell 1853 1931 Section 12
George W Turner 1858 1927 Section 12
George Riley Wratten 1891 1976 Section 12
Georgia Sample Hart 1881 1930 Section 12
Gerald Martin 1914 1934 Section 12
Gertrude May Carnine 1885 1970 Section 12
Gertrude L Meyer 1896 1986 Section 12 Mother
Gertrude Ulrich 1905 1987 Section 12
Gifford M Wood 1904 1959 Section 12
Gladys M Smith 1903 1985 Section 12
Glenn V Eytchison Oct 14, 1887 Jun 7, 1958 Section 12 Indiana; Cook 314 Field Signal BN; World War I
Goldie M Barnes 1892 1987 Section 12
Grace K Baker 1897 1967 Section 12
Grace Bussard 1884 1953 Section 12
Grace O Crouch 1895 1942 Section 12
Grace M Patrick Hammans 1898 1987 Section 12
Grace A Moore 1907 1982 Section 12
Grace C Turner 1900 1986 Section 12
Guy Drollinger 1892 1931 Section 12 HUsband
H Robert Elder Feb 3, 1922 Sep 10, 1977 Section 12 TEC4 US ARMY-World War II
Harold J Britts 1943 1999 Section 12
Harold D O'Brien 1894 1982 Section 12
Harriett E Russell 1858 1935 Section 12
Harrold E Tomes 1903 1929 Section 12
Harry W Brouwer 1874 1955 Section 12
Harry R Brown 1906 1983 Section 12
Harry E Dodd 1876 1934 Section 12
Harry V Haines 1882 1924 Section 12
Harry James 1875 1941 Section 12 Brother
Harry D Jonas 1878 1944 Section 12
Harry Mason 1880 1938 Section 12 FATHER
Harry A Paul 1889 1965 Section 12 Father
Harry J Reimer Feb 16, 1922 Jun 11, 1984 Section 12 SC US NAVY-World War II
Harry H Turner 1908 1948 Section 12
Harry Ulrich 1877 1950 Section 12
Hattie C Corwin 1895 1964 Section 12
Hazel B Howard 1888 1943 Section 12
Hazel E Howatt 1898 1985 Section 12
Hazel Jennings 1896 1932 Section 12 Mother
Hazel B Jones 1893 1974 Section 12
Hazel M Jordan 1899 1934 Section 12
Hazel Patrick 1905 1982 Section 12
Helen L McCoy 1909 1975 Section 12
Helen McDaniel 1890 1973 Section 12
Helen M Strader 1894 1948 Section 12 Daughter
Helen O Turnbaugh 1904 1967 Section 12 Mother
Helen Uhl 1883 1938 Section 12
Helen Whitacre 1905 1965 Section 12 Daughter
Helena R Vinson 1871 1934 Section 12 MOTHER
Helena Werbe 1866 1966 Section 12
Henrietta Hitch 1880 1932 Section 12 Mother
Henry Kleine 1865 1931 Section 12
Henry McGail 1872 1938 Section 12 Father
Henry J Swickheimer 1858 1928 Section 12
Henry J Taylor 1873 1943 Section 12 Husband
Herbert E Heidelman 1907 1925 Section 12 Our Son
Herbert L Johnston 1904 1938 Section 12
Herman Dold 1880 1942 Section 12 Dad
Herman E Rollins 1917 1998 Section 12
Herman VanLangen 1856 1930 Section 12
Hermina Roehl 1881 1965 Section 12
Homer E Judd 1891 1953 Section 12 Father
Homer Miller 1894 1929 Section 12
Horace W Graver 1905 1944 Section 12
Horace P Harlan 1880 1930 Section 12
Horce G Dawson 1892 1962 Section 12
Hugh Calhoun 1885 1929 Section 12 Husband
Ida Mae Beauvois 1907 1931 Section 12
Ida L Denny 1887 1963 Section 12 Sister
Ida B Harding Jun 29, 1864 Mar 7, 1932 Section 12 Mother
Ida Henius 1871 1932 Section 12
Ida B Houck 1862 1932 Section 12
Ida G O'Dell 1873 Unknown Section 12 Wife
Ida E Patterson 1895 1962 Section 12 Mother
Imogene A Quinn 1891 1969 Section 12
Infant Ferguson Jan 4, 1933 Jan 4, 1933 Section 12
Infant Girl Moore 1957 1957 Section 12
Ira S Crouch 1854 1934 Section 12
Ira Edward Porter 1879 1959 Section 12
Iris Yost Hall 1909 1955 Section 12
Irving M Whitacre 1913 1929 Section 12 Son
Isaac Stuckey 1847 1928 Section 12
Isabelle Burks 1900 1929 Section 12 Mother
J Lewis Unknown 1868 1930 Section 12
J Wesley 1912 1932 Section 12 Son
Jack Kenneth Balcom 1925 1933 Section 12
Jack Schlott 1895 1969 Section 12
Jack C Steadham Jun 10, 1912 Oct 16, 1954 Section 12 Indiana, BM2 US Navy, World War II
Jack E Thompson 1926 1940 Section 12 Son
James L Baker 1896 1938 Section 12
James A Caldwell 1908 1973 Section 12
James Harrison Carnine 1883 1965 Section 12
James E Carver 1876 1926 Section 12
PFC James A Cox Feb 26, 1921 Feb 22, 1944 Section 12 Son
Sgt James Cox Mar 31, 1890 Mar 6, 1944 Section 12 Father
James W Dungan 1893 1962 Section 12 Father
James Harrison Graver Jan 8, 1935 Nov 26, 2001 Section 12 US NAVY
James D Levi 1856 1928 Section 12
James O McNeely 1874 1945 Section 12 Father
James Norman Reeves 1927 1928 Section 12 Son
James C Scott 1935 1935 Section 12
James Ulrich 1901 1972 Section 12
Janacara M Todd Mar 14, 1887 Dec 10, 1952 Section 12
Jane S Wright 1875 1939 Section 12
Janet Judd Hughes Oct 3, 1922 Dec 10, 2002 Section 12 Lee, Elder
Jasper Flint 1877 1941 Section 12
Jean F Schlott 1901 1971 Section 12
Jeanne M Harlan 1923 1925 Section 12 In memory of our baby
Jeanne Schoenbachler 1925 1979 Section 12 Mother
Jesse P Pedigo 1916 1975 Section 12 Married Oct 4, 1947
Jessie Mae Day 1872 1932 Section 12
Jessie A McCallie 1905 1991 Section 12
Jessie M Stevenson 1868 1929 Section 12
Jessie A Sweetland 1877 1950 Section 12
Joe C Lemmons 1888 1930 Section 12 Son
John L Allison 1892 Unknown Section 12
John Begeman 1899 1942 Section 12
John M Benner 1858 1927 Section 12 Father
John E Brittenbach 1893 1932 Section 12
John L Brittenback 1916 1945 Section 12 Son
John Davis 1911 1934 Section 12 Son
John O Dudley 1886 1931 Section 12
John R Dudley 1861 1943 Section 12
John D Duggins 1893 1934 Section 12 Saved by Grace
John T Fisher 1893 1957 Section 12 Son
John W Hahn 1907 1967 Section 12
John D Henderson 1885 1935 Section 12 Son
John M Hill 1866 1955 Section 12
John Irwin 1846 1925 Section 12
John P Kippen 1910 1931 Section 12
John M McCrory 1869 1941 Section 12 Dad
John McFeely 1871 1923 Section 12
John E Patrick 1875 1944 Section 12
John Alden Pollard 1906 1994 Section 12 Father
John J Roehl 1883 1932 Section 12
John E Scully 1856 1918 Section 12
John W Steadham 1876 1940 Section 12 Father
John W Thomson 1853 1943 Section 12
John L Washmuth 1923 1946 Section 12
John G Weimar 1910 1935 Section 12
John H Wright Mar 2, 1876 Jul 4, 1963 Section 12
John L Wright 1893 1963 Section 12 Dad
Joseph M Davis 1878 1960 Section 12
Joseph W Greenway 1877 1961 Section 12
Joseph A Heidelman 1869 1948 Section 12
Joseph C Henius 1865 1951 Section 12
Joseph K Jackson 1912 1931 Section 12 Son
Joseph W Kirsch 1896 1976 Section 12
Joseph Francis Lees 1905 1936 Section 12
Joseph W Messing 1871 1938 Section 12
Joseph Seal 1876 1939 Section 12
Josephine Washmuth Feb 1, 1909 Mar 11, 1997 Section 12
Joyce M Davis 1899 1968 Section 12
Juanita Opal Todd 1908 1928 Section 12 Our Daughter
Julia A Boggs Sep 20, 1859 Apr 25, 1928 Section 12 His wife
Julia A Kidwell 1863 1937 Section 12 Mother
Julia A McClelland 1861 1927 Section 12 Mother
June Yost 1919 1996 Section 12
Karen Killela 1954 1956 Section 12 Baby
Karen June Waters 1932 2003 Section 12
Katherine Mueller 1890 1977 Section 12
Katie Hubbartt Epeards 1882 1956 Section 12 Together Forever
Kazwell R Henthorn 1893 1956 Section 12 Father
Kenneth E Hendren 1897 1976 Section 12 Father
Kevin Charles Clark Unknown 1961 Section 12
Lana Pedigo McClelland Oct 30, 1910 Oct 20, 1963 Section 12
LaRue H Moon 1908 1970 Section 12 Married Mar 2, 1935
Laura M Hill 1887 1964 Section 12
Laura E McClelland 1884 1955 Section 12
Laura F McPherson 1885 1982 Section 12
Laura L Steadham 1879 1927 Section 12 Mother
Lavancha C Wright Jan 30, 1842 May 28, 1933 Section 12
Lawrence L Brown 1910 1962 Section 12 Husband & Daddy
Lawrence Hamilton Garrison 1898 1928 Section 12
Lee Wayne Dickey Jan 29, 1919 Mar 30, 2003 Section 12 Son of Carl and Mona Dickey
Lee R Williams 1884 1945 Section 12
Lela A Duggins 1892 1984 Section 12 Saved by Grace
Lena S Strathmann 1885 1961 Section 12
Lenna Bird 1885 1990 Section 12
Leo Joe Schaefer 1894 1935 Section 12 Father
Leona May Carnine 1899 1956 Section 12
Leroy Stitt 1886 1937 Section 12
Leslie A Brittenback 1896 1965 Section 12 Father
Levi Alfrey 1876 1922 Section 12
Levi E Ballou 1875 1944 Section 12
Lilla Stewart 1869 1928 Section 12
Lillian M Scheid 1867 1959 Section 12 MOTHER
Lillian V Young 1890 Unknown Section 12
Lillie Mae Hahn 1912 1987 Section 12
Lillie M Luthmers 1872 1944 Section 12
Lillie J Wood 1875 1962 Section 12
Logan E Washmuth 1900 1946 Section 12
Lois A Benjamin Dec 18, 1866 Jan 9, 1955 Section 12 MOTHER
Lola E Ferguson 1901 1987 Section 12
Lorraine Barnaby 1911 1971 Section 12 Mom
Lottie P Barnes 1888 1957 Section 12
Lottie M Carpenter 1875 1948 Section 12
Lottie A Davis 1905 1988 Section 12
Lottie Pride 1896 1968 Section 12 Mother
Louis H Brittenback 1868 1938 Section 12
Louis D Ellis 1883 1940 Section 12
Louis K Gehring 1883 1930 Section 12 Father
Louis Hellman 1848 1930 Section 12
Louis Edward Mills Jul 11, 1915 Jan 28, 1972 Section 12 Husband
Louis Mueller 1861 1935 Section 12
Louisa B Kernen 1865 1934 Section 12
Louise Langas 1906 1995 Section 12 Mother
Lucile Wagner 1878 1970 Section 12
Lucinda A Carnine 1862 1938 Section 12
Lucrecia Conner Whitaker 1871 1929 Section 12
Lucy Richwine 1852 1939 Section 12
Luella Haley 1888 1947 Section 12 Mother
Lula A James 1885 1958 Section 12 Sister
Lula McAfee 1888 1968 Section 12 Mother
Luther V Ploughe 1888 1929 Section 12
Lydia Bokerman 1876 1936 Section 12
Mabel Day 1890 1966 Section 12
Mabel E Peters Elrod 1901 1933 Section 12
Mabel E Hunt 1883 1969 Section 12
Mabel B Judd 1894 1957 Section 12 Mother
Mabel I Bowman Lagemann 1890 1936 Section 12
Mabel Vinson Ransdell 1897 1989 Section 12
Malinda E Eytchison 1848 1934 Section 12 Mother
Malvina Ellis 1921 1930 Section 12
Mamie Davis 1884 1956 Section 12
Manuel Beauvois 1906 1934 Section 12
Marcia Lee Donner 1906 1990 Section 12
Margaret L Alexander 1903 1936 Section 12 Daughter
Margaret Bauer 1870 1941 Section 12 Mother
Margaret J Graham 1898 1941 Section 12
Margaret Henderson 1857 1928 Section 12 Mother
Margaret Lemmons 1864 1934 Section 12 Mother
Margaret W Martin 1887 1933 Section 12
Margaret Mueller 1858 1948 Section 12
Margaret Pitcher 1878 1969 Section 12 Wife
Margaret P Seal 1910 1981 Section 12
Margie A Barnes 1915 1984 Section 12 My Beloved Wife
Margie H Dickerson 1923 1977 Section 12
Marguerite M McCallie 1879 1958 Section 12
Marie M Henthorn 1890 1958 Section 12 Mother
Marie C Koehler 1903 1981 Section 12
Marie S Smith 1903 1932 Section 12
Marjorie Bee Dawson 1924 1933 Section 12 Daughter
Marjorie Wrentmore 1889 1932 Section 12
Marshall J Heard 1904 1969 Section 12 Husband
Martha R Dudley 1862 1949 Section 12
Martha Marie Fischer Nov 26, 1920 Oct 15, 1980 Section 12
Martha L Myers 1873 1948 Section 12 Wife
Martha L Willert 1872 1939 Section 12
Marvel M Ricketts 1908 1998 Section 12 Daughter
Marvin S Edmonds 1914 1930 Section 12 Son
Marvin Lucia Hadd 1868 1948 Section 12 Father
Mary C "Sally" Ambrose 1921 1975 Section 12
Mary A Baker 1860 1936 Section 12 MOTHER
Mary B Benjamin Mar 15, 1896 Apr 25, 1929 Section 12
Mary S Bohn 1879 Unknown Section 12 Mother
Mary Bull 1885 1927 Section 12 Wife
Mary Calhoun 1875 1928 Section 12 Mother
Mary Ellen Caylor 1897 1981 Section 12
Mary Alice Clapp 1870 1934 Section 12
Mary V Coleman 1865 1933 Section 12 Mother
Mary A Crouch 1864 1956 Section 12
Mary E Dillon 1919 2007 Section 12
Mary A Hallam 1913 1988 Section 12
Mary E Hamilton Sep 5, 1884 Oct 20, 1964 Section 12
Mary C Holliday 1863 1948 Section 12
Mary E Howard 1889 1933 Section 12
Mary Kleine 1870 1944 Section 12
Mary E Lauterbur 1902 1945 Section 12
Mary Elizabeth Leonidas 1857 1949 Section 12 MOTHER
Mary A McDaniel 1860 1942 Section 12
Mary E McKinley 1933 1993 Section 12 Beloved Mother
Mary C McNeely 1884 1988 Section 12 Mother
Mary Frances Porter 1882 1962 Section 12
Mary L Rauh 1923 1978 Section 12
Mary E Rollins 1925 2008 Section 12
Mary Rubush Sep 27, 1907 Mar 16, 1977 Section 12
Mary Hope Scudder 1897 1984 Section 12
Mary Helen Seal 1909 1996 Section 12
Mary O Speer 1868 1929 Section 12 Mother
Mary E Stovall 1890 1932 Section 12
Mary E Thomson 1858 1940 Section 12
Mary M Tucker 1867 1955 Section 12
Mary Florence Unknown 1871 1928 Section 12
Mary Elizabeth Unknown 1912 1929 Section 12
Mary Lucille Vint Oct 29, 1917 Sep 7, 1968 Section 12 Daughter
Matie W Moore 1887 1970 Section 12 Mother
Maude Alberts 1878 1930 Section 12
Maude Paul 1889 1935 Section 12
May McFeely 1871 1928 Section 12
May E Messing 1865 1929 Section 12
Mayme I Baus 1877 1959 Section 12
Mayme McCurdy 1889 1961 Section 12
Mellville Clapp 1869 1937 Section 12
Melvin H Lee Apr 1, 1920 Nov 20, 1956 Section 12 TEC 4 US ARMY-World War II
Metta M Lauer 1875 1957 Section 12
Michael Weimer 1846 1925 Section 12 Father
Mildred H Bokerman 1910 1988 Section 12
Mildred Hill 1910 1928 Section 12
Mildred I VanLandingham 1925 1967 Section 12 Mother
Millie J Schwabe 1893 1921 Section 12
Milton A Simmons 1877 1940 Section 12 Father
Minnie G Goddard 1871 1939 Section 12 Mother
Minnie Heidelman 1877 1961 Section 12
Minnie Ricketts Nightingale 1887 1961 Section 12 Mother
Minnie C Ryan 1860 1945 Section 12
Mollie L Cook 1879 1942 Section 12 Mother
Morris L White 1871 1950 Section 12
Morton S Matthews 1872 1953 Section 12
Myrle M Boggs 1897 1982 Section 12
Myrtie A Flint 1879 1961 Section 12
Myrtle B Jett 1895 1976 Section 12
Myrtle Farlee Reeves 1902 1928 Section 12 Wife
Myrtle Snider Jun 27, 1893 Aug 26, 1929 Section 12 Mother
N B Harding 1856 1937 Section 12 Dad
Nancy Ann Begeman 1931 Unknown Section 12
Nancy Bridges 1862 1931 Section 12 Mother
Nancy A Quinn 1863 1940 Section 12
Nelda G Graves 1904 1988 Section 12 MOTHER
Nellie Lawler 1874 1938 Section 12
Nellie M White 1876 1960 Section 12
Nelson Powell 1863 1931 Section 12 Father
Nettie M Johnson Jun 22, 1899 Oct 4, 1974 Section 12
Nettie M McCarrel 1877 1955 Section 12
Nettie A Vandercook 1862 1929 Section 12 Mother
Newton E Boggs Oct 30, 1861 Unknown Section 12
Nola M Hendricks 1889 1951 Section 12
Nora Etta Brown 1879 1930 Section 12
Nora C Clarke 1875 1934 Section 12
Nora M Davidson 1896 1975 Section 12
Normal C Johnson Sep 22, 1897 Jul 20, 1969 Section 12
Olive Ann Brittenbach 1865 1921 Section 12
Olive A Fuller 1877 1958 Section 12
Olive L Scully 1859 1923 Section 12
Omar Stewart Myers 1875 1934 Section 12 Husband
Omer P Dickerson 1919 1999 Section 12
Opal May Fredenburg 1895 1974 Section 12
Opal Johnston 1903 1983 Section 12
Oral F Brown 1867 1943 Section 12
Oris E Jeffries 1899 1981 Section 12 DAD
Orra O Eytchison 1883 1963 Section 12
Orrah B Haller 1866 1945 Section 12
Ota Bennett 1875 1945 Section 12 Mother of Edith
Otto F Gabbert Jun 6, 1894 Mar 13, 1978 Section 12 SGT US ARMY WORLD WAR I
Pansy Ola Trapp 1900 1933 Section 12
Paul C Barnes 1913 1981 Section 12 My Beloved Husband
Paul H Fondren 1905 1930 Section 12
Paul Luthmers 1906 1992 Section 12
Paul A Moore 1905 1966 Section 12
Paul J Rehfus 1924 2008 Section 12 Married June 17, 1945
Pearl Jones 1876 1965 Section 12
Pearl M Matthews 1876 1946 Section 12
Pearl E McLellen 1883 1962 Section 12
Pearl M Rankin 1887 1946 Section 12
Permelia F Baldwin 1891 1939 Section 12
Philip C Hennessee 1918 2004 Section 12
Philip A Hennessee 1883 1944 Section 12
R Etta Pearson Oct 27, 1872 Mar 16, 1965 Section 12
Rachel Weimer 1848 1925 Section 12 Mother
Rae Deane Thompson 1947 2008 Section 12 Always in Our Heart-In Loving Memory of Mom & Grandma
Ralph McCallie 1878 1960 Section 12
Ralph Harold McClelland Jul 13, 1918 Jun 21, 1963 Section 12
Ralph I Taulman 1901 1931 Section 12 Husband
Raymond Bussard 1913 1945 Section 12
Raymond Ellis 1893 1978 Section 12
Raymond B Smith Mar 25, 1900 Aug 24, 1934 Section 12
Rebecca Irwin 1845 1926 Section 12 Mother
Rebecca Ryker 1853 1936 Section 12
Retta Wood 1907 1929 Section 12
Richard P Irrgang 1888 1967 Section 12
Richard Pitcher 1880 1932 Section 12 Husband
Robert W Brinkman 1934 1934 Section 12 Son
Robert G Brittenbach Sep 24, 1918 Jan 18, 1948 Section 12 Indiana-CAPTAIN 283 AAF BASE UNIT-World War II
Robert D Eytchison 1848 1936 Section 12 Father
Robert C Gardner Jul 24, 1893 Jul 30, 1983 Section 12 SGT MAJ US AMY-World War I
Robert Pryor Giddens 1890 1942 Section 12
Robert A Hallam , Jr 1915 2005 Section 12
Robert J Harrison 1880 1935 Section 12 Husband
Robert Joseph Johnson 1933 1960 Section 12 I have Finished the work, Thou Gave Me to Do-SON
Robert H McCrory 1905 1944 Section 12
Robert McNeely 1921 1929 Section 12 Son
Robert B Smith 1930 1931 Section 12
Robert S Walker 1925 1974 Section 12 Father
Robert E Wood 1922 1930 Section 12 Son
Roger W Stinson 1864 1951 Section 12
Rolland L Lunte 1926 1926 Section 12 Son
Rosa E McNeely 1884 1960 Section 12
Rosanna Bird 1855 1925 Section 12
Rose L Ritter 1886 1965 Section 12
Rose Ulrich 1877 1946 Section 12
Rosemary Aldrich 1929 1931 Section 12
Roy E Hosea 1898 1928 Section 12
Roy McCannon 1883 1945 Section 12
Roy A Stovall Nov 8, 1884 Dec 9, 1964 Section 12
Ruby Reno 1905 Unknown Section 12
Rudolph Bauer 1867 1941 Section 12 Father
Russell A Uhl 1904 1949 Section 12 husband
Ruth L Clapp 1900 1981 Section 12
Ruth V Gabbert 1898 1961 Section 12
Ruth Irene Kirsch Jun 4, 1925 Jan 24, 2000 Section 12 Married: H Reimer 10-5-46, B Schmidt 6-6-86, H Peavler 6-16-91
Ruth M Perry 1908 1989 Section 12 Mother
Ruth M Sohn 1903 1986 Section 12 The Steps of a Good Man are Ordered by the Lord. The End of that Man is ...
S Eugene McCrory 1912 1959 Section 12
Sadah L Bruner 1872 1929 Section 12
Sadie Benner 1868 1951 Section 12
Sadie Pickard Haines 1883 1926 Section 12 His wife
Sallie P Pedigo 1895 1984 Section 12
Samuel E Bell 1867 1928 Section 12 Father
Samuel R Jones 1881 1966 Section 12
Rev Samuel Leonidas 1860 1936 Section 12 FATHER
Sarah E Bowman 1865 1932 Section 12 Mother
Sarah F Fewell 1861 1949 Section 12
Sarah M Haller 1838 1930 Section 12
Sarah E Hensley Jun 1, 1855 May 2, 1939 Section 12
Sarah A McDaniel 1869 1964 Section 12
Sarah M Ozier 1906 1947 Section 12 Wife
Sarah M Stuckey 1858 1945 Section 12
Scott Sartor 1866 1930 Section 12
Selina Green 1846 1936 Section 12 Mother
Shelly Rogers Jan 5, 1967 Aug 21, 1968 Section 12 Our Baby-Gone but not Forgotton
Sophia R Brinkman 1856 1923 Section 12 Wife
Stella M Simmons 1883 1978 Section 12 Mother
Stella M Williams 1887 1973 Section 12
Susan J Burks 1874 1950 Section 12 Mother
Teressa M Strum 1884 1948 Section 12
Thelma Begeman 1904 2001 Section 12
Thelma Dean 1916 1998 Section 12
Thelma Guyon 1908 1987 Section 12
Thelma C Hendren 1904 1989 Section 12 Mother
Thelma M Wratten 1907 1980 Section 12
Theodore H Luthmers 1910 1973 Section 12 Husband
Thomas Epeards 1870 1930 Section 12 Together Forever
Thomas E Taylor 1913 1932 Section 12 Son
Pvt Thomas W Wheeler 27, 1915 Nov 21, 1972 Section 12 Indiana-PVT US ARMY
Thomas B Wright 1870 1929 Section 12
Thomas B Wright , Jr 1915 1991 Section 12 T/SGT, WWII
Titus B Everett 1870 1927 Section 12 Father
Traber Stuckey 1889 1928 Section 12
Tressa E Brouwer 1905 1933 Section 12
Treva S Moon 1909 1996 Section 12 Married Mar 2, 1935
Velda E Burhenn 1900 1935 Section 12
Verda M Luthmers 1905 2001 Section 12
Vere W Ransdell 1895 1970 Section 12
Verna M Ploughe 1890 1969 Section 12
Verne L Hartling 1892 1934 Section 12 North Park 646
Vernon W Schwabe 1897 1926 Section 12
Viola Brown 1902 1954 Section 12
Violet French Hadd 1878 1928 Section 12 Mother
Violet Mae Thatcher 1912 1947 Section 12
Virgil Paul Black 1925 1930 Section 12 Dear Son
Virginia E Fields 1924 1945 Section 12
Vivian Brown 1914 Unknown Section 12
Vivian J Bunch 1904 1991 Section 12
Vonda L "Darling" Jeffries 1932 1932 Section 12
W Andrew Clary 1884 1951 Section 12 Husband
W G Wren 1862 1923 Section 12
Wallace W Haller 1861 1926 Section 12
Walter T Hamilton Feb 16, 1881 May 7, 1971 Section 12
Walter E Hockett 1864 1924 Section 12
Walter Pugh 1882 1928 Section 12
Walter H Vinson 1870 1935 Section 12 FATHER
Walter F Werbe 1897 1984 Section 12
Walter R Wydra 1907 1962 Section 12
Wealthy Ellis 1898 1976 Section 12
Webster T Thompson 1880 1968 Section 12
Wesley O'Dell 1880 1942 Section 12 Husband
Wilbur F Giesseman 1904 1971 Section 12
Wilbur R "Bus" Patrick 1916 1990 Section 12
Wilbur Carl Scudder 1898 1975 Section 12
William F Baldwin 1887 1963 Section 12
William L Bolen , Sr 1878 1947 Section 12
William L Bolen , Jr Mar 20, 1920 Aug 28, 2008 Section 12 US Army Air Forces, World War II
William E Corwin 1893 1947 Section 12
William Day 1889 1953 Section 12
William Edwin Day 1912 1930 Section 12 Son; Until the day break
William V Edmonds Nov 29, 1916 Aug 15, 1944 Section 12 Indiana; 2d Lieut. 815 AAF Bomb SQ; World War II
William T Godwin 1891 1951 Section 12
William Stanley Hendren 1925 1946 Section 12 Son
William B Howatt 1893 1986 Section 12
William T Kidwell 1863 1931 Section 12 Father
William M Lauer 1883 1932 Section 12
William N Lawler 1868 1930 Section 12
William O Linville Apr 23, 1916 Dec 29, 1984 Section 12
William J Luthmers 1869 1945 Section 12
William W Perry 1905 1984 Section 12 Father
William H Schwabe 1866 1947 Section 12
William D Seal 1906 1986 Section 12
William H Smith 1873 1948 Section 12
William E Smith 1925 1929 Section 12
William S Smith 1900 1997 Section 12
William F Strum 1883 1937 Section 12
William A Tucker 1885 1933 Section 12
William Uhl 1882 1930 Section 12
William F Werbe 1874 1952 Section 12
Willie Myrtle Jackson 1885 1972 Section 12 Mother
Wynette Harlan 1883 1963 Section 12
Zella P Bolander 1893 1930 Section 12 Wife
Zorado F Carrigan 1876 1940 Section 12