141,839 recorded and counting!
Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens Central - Mausoleum Section BB
Full name
Birth date
Death date
Adelbert F Bryant 1904 1989 Mausoleum Section BB
Alfred W Zirke 1896 1963 Mausoleum Section BB
Alice W Chisholm 1894 1983 Mausoleum Section BB
Alma Le Pitre 1892 1970 Mausoleum Section BB
Ann Zirke 1901 1980 Mausoleum Section BB
Ardith Mueller 1899 1966 Mausoleum Section BB
Arthur V Connor 1886 1974 Mausoleum Section BB
August Schwenck 1885 1973 Mausoleum Section BB
Bernice F Anderson 1900 1991 Mausoleum Section BB
Beryl B Madden 1896 Unknown Mausoleum Section BB
Blanche Hamilton 1904 1988 Mausoleum Section BB
Caleb R Smith May 7, 1884 May 25, 1980 Mausoleum Section BB
Carrie L Betz Unknown Feb 27, 1964 Mausoleum Section BB
Catherine Window 1870 1961 Mausoleum Section BB
Charles P Betz Unknown May 1, 1961 Mausoleum Section BB
Charles A Muller 1883 1964 Mausoleum Section BB
Chester C Davis 1907 1964 Mausoleum Section BB
Clara A Apel Unknown Oct 12, 1973 Mausoleum Section BB
Clara Duncan Smith Nov 7, 1886 Nov 10, 1968 Mausoleum Section BB
Cora Connor 1888 1977 Mausoleum Section BB
Desdemona K Colnot 1896 1965 Mausoleum Section BB
Duncan J MacDonald 1895 1973 Mausoleum Section BB
Edith M Reid 1887 1967 Mausoleum Section BB
Edna M Anderson 1895 1972 Mausoleum Section BB
Edward J Keegan 1911 1986 Mausoleum Section BB
Edward H Reid 1885 1970 Mausoleum Section BB
Edward Van Truen 1883 1966 Mausoleum Section BB
Eileen Gregory 1919 2017 Mausoleum Section BB
Eldred Hal Theis 1900 1993 Mausoleum Section BB
Elsie L Apel Sep 20, 1895 Oct 4, 1983 Mausoleum Section BB
Elsie L MacDonald 1896 1962 Mausoleum Section BB
Elsie A Slagle 1889 1968 Mausoleum Section BB
Emmet N Madden 1895 Unknown Mausoleum Section BB
Evelyn F Bryant 1905 1983 Mausoleum Section BB
F Osborne Pfingst 1900 1968 Mausoleum Section BB
Fana Lee Eller 1899 1988 Mausoleum Section BB
Fana Fisher Eller Unknown Unknown Mausoleum Section BB
Florence Giles 1906 1980 Mausoleum Section BB
Florence E Himes Unknown Oct 4, 1982 Mausoleum Section BB
Frances N Schwenck 1889 1972 Mausoleum Section BB
Frank Wright 1895 1964 Mausoleum Section BB
George Giles 1912 1994 Mausoleum Section BB
George J Maggio , Sr 1911 1998 Mausoleum Section BB
Gilbert H Colnot 1895 1986 Mausoleum Section BB
Goldie M Gwin 1900 1965 Mausoleum Section BB
Harold Anderson 1909 1984 Mausoleum Section BB
Harriet F Reid 1887 1970 Mausoleum Section BB
Harry V Miles 1887 1966 Mausoleum Section BB
Helen L Griffin 1886 1980 Mausoleum Section BB
Helen M Kearns 1920 1966 Mausoleum Section BB
Helen L Wallbank 1895 1977 Mausoleum Section BB
Henrietta B Schwarz 1892 Unknown Mausoleum Section BB
Henry A Anderson 1892 1990 Mausoleum Section BB
Horace L Gross May 25, 1904 Sep 12, 1967 Mausoleum Section BB
Howard U Herrick 1886 1972 Mausoleum Section BB
Howard H Talbot 1891 1970 Mausoleum Section BB
Hugh H Harrell 1910 1986 Mausoleum Section BB
James E Reid 1884 1967 Mausoleum Section BB
Jane E Herrick 1915 2012 Mausoleum Section BB
Joan Gross Sep 11, 1913 May 2, 2002 Mausoleum Section BB
John Laurence Callan 1897 1983 Mausoleum Section BB
John H Griffin , Jr 1910 1963 Mausoleum Section BB
John H Griffin 1886 1974 Mausoleum Section BB
Josephine M Douglas 1907 1989 Mausoleum Section BB
Julia M Van Truen 1883 1967 Mausoleum Section BB
Karen P Ferris Unknown Aug 6, 1969 Mausoleum Section BB
Katherine Keegan 1888 1973 Mausoleum Section BB
Lake W Himes Unknown Apr 1, 1990 Mausoleum Section BB
Laurence M Ross 1891 1974 Mausoleum Section BB
Lillian A Apel Unknown Sep 10, 1969 Mausoleum Section BB
Louis E Schwarz 1890 1966 Mausoleum Section BB
Lucy M Ketcham 1902 1993 Mausoleum Section BB
Lydia M Wright 1895 1965 Mausoleum Section BB
Madeline G Powers Mills 1899 1991 Mausoleum Section BB
Margaret F Harrell 1915 1971 Mausoleum Section BB
Marguerite H Griffin 1916 1984 Mausoleum Section BB
Marguerite N Metzger 1891 1966 Mausoleum Section BB
Marie Agnes Fils Aime Mar 17, 1929 Oct 29, 1998 Mausoleum Section BB
Marie T Muller 1887 1972 Mausoleum Section BB
Marjorie W Herrick 1923 2015 Mausoleum Section BB
Mary H Maggio 1916 1991 Mausoleum Section BB
Melven Le Pitre 1890 1971 Mausoleum Section BB
Merle C Slagle 1884 1979 Mausoleum Section BB
Mildred E Theis 1912 1977 Mausoleum Section BB
Minne B Herrick 1886 1963 Mausoleum Section BB
Muriel Window 1892 1965 Mausoleum Section BB
Myrtie V Crum 1880 1974 Mausoleum Section BB
Patricia Marie Wright Oct 11, 1931 Jun 24, 2003 Mausoleum Section BB
Reta C Ross 1897 1981 Mausoleum Section BB
Robert E Dean 1918 1970 Mausoleum Section BB
Roy I Morrison 1898 1973 Mausoleum Section BB
Ruth G Morrison 1900 1985 Mausoleum Section BB
Sallie M Johnston 1877 1968 Mausoleum Section BB
Sara Anne Pfingst 1922 1989 Mausoleum Section BB
Stephen M Ketcham 1901 1976 Mausoleum Section BB
Theo N Talbot 1888 1973 Mausoleum Section BB
Theo Marie Talbot 1930 1962 Mausoleum Section BB
Virginia H Davis 1908 1984 Mausoleum Section BB
Warren T Eller 1896 1990 Mausoleum Section BB
Wilbur C Wallbank 1895 1967 Mausoleum Section BB
William G Douglas 1900 1974 Mausoleum Section BB
William V Griffin , II 1912 1978 Mausoleum Section BB
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